Hale Community Recycling Skip Scheme
Halton Borough Council will be providing another yearly Hale Community Recycling Skip Scheme, this Saturday 31st March, in car park area...
Hale Village Volunteers Spring Surprise Farewell, For Fellow Volunteer
Over 80 village volunteers paid a heartfelt farewell and gave thanks to the lovely Ann Barnett, who has been volunteering in the village...
PCSO Stephen Marnick Monthly Hale Crime Report (March 2018)
HALE VILLAGE PARISH COUNCIL (and Working Together) MEETING 19th March 2018 From p.m. 19th February to p.m. 19th March 2018 the following...
St Mary's Church Easter Service - Village Cross
Good Friday 30th March 11:00am Morning Service for all ages at St Mary's, followed by the walk to the village cross at Hale War Memorial...
Secret Ingredients Dance Classes At Hale Village Hall
New Secret Ingredients Dance Classes At Hale Village Hall The Secret ingredients Dance Company have been using the old Hale Village Hall...
Latest March 2018 Building Planning Applications For Hale Village
Case No:18/00097/PDE Officer name: Melissa Pagan Applicants name: Mr Harry Garcia Applicants Address:14 High Street Hale Liverpool L24...