Hale Park Dog Control Consultation
The outcome of the recent consultation exercise with regards to the Council’s proposed Public Spaces Protection Order in so far as it...
St Mary's Church Need Your Help
There have been quite a few comments made in various places about St. Mary's Churchyard. Although it is the church's responsibility to...
Stephen Marnick Monthly Hale-Crime-Report February 2019
HALE VILLAGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 18th Febuary 2019 From pm 21st January 2019 to pm 18th February 2019 the following entries are...
Latest February 2019 Building Planning Applications For Hale Village
Case No:19/00043/FUL Officer name: Melissa Pagan Applicants name: Mr Keith Winstanley Applicants Address:13 Baileys Lane Hale Heath...
New Freemen Of Hale Sworn In
At the Freemen Of Hale Annual Court, two villagers were made Freemen of the Village. Karl Atkinson and Mike Lewis. The Annual Court is...
Vacancy For A Part-Time Parish Clerk with Hale Parish Council
A vacancy has become available for a part-time Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer with Hale Parish Council. The position...
Latest January 2019 Building Planning Applications For Hale Village
Case No: 19/00023/FUL Officer name: Melissa Pagan Applicants name: Mr Andy Forshaw Applicants Address: 1 Ennis Close Hale Liverpool L24...